Why Twitter Works for Me

Twitter works. For me.

I’ve been on LinkedIn longer (hint: you wanna job – you gotta be on LI.) I’ve tried FB but deleted my account (OMG! YOU DONT HAVE FB?! – no; I don’t have a television either and I’m still alive.)

Pinterest, affinity boards, college clubs, etc. I love trying out platforms (to the marketers out there – I am the classic early adopter) and testing things.

But Twitter works for me.


Because I can see the real you

Don’t get me wrong – lots of SoMe platforms can help you and have their place. I use them and like them.

But on Twitter I get personal versus posing. Talk versus script. Essentials versus key words.

You see, I am one of those foolish people that just start out assuming everyone is good – whatever good means to them – and honest and really trying to contribute is some way to a better world. That people are more or less who they say they are.

I know – stupid!

But that’s okay. Because while on other platforms people (including me) spend hours fine-tuning and clarifying and focusing their on-line presence, as one should, on Twitter you can’t fake it. Not for long.

You either have something to say that adds value or you don’t. And I guess everyone can find a constituency that believes they add value. Twitter is democracy. A little messy perhaps, but still the best system I’ve found to connect people around the globe.

Are there fakers on Twitter? Bots, posers, users, truly bad people? Yes. You are not in Kansas anymore.

But they are far outnumbered by and easily differentiated from the truly outstanding people reaching out to one and other and offering ideas, assistance, encouragement without greed or recompense.

Why do I think that’s cool?

Cause it matches my world view.

In my head people try to listen and understand, they support each other and they’re constant. The people I hang with on-line – from the 18-year old student to the 69-year old poet – are rock-solid. They’re constant. And though we don’t always agree, we always respect and interact with each other in a caring way.

Especially when we disagree come to think of it…

So it goes.

By now you know this isn’t really about Twitter – which I do use and like – its about being real and offering of yourself and knowing that where ever you are and whatever you do, you have value.

And that the real you is the person we want to see.

8 thoughts on “Why Twitter Works for Me

  1. Agree! One of my favorite things about Twitter is when I connect with REAL people that want to engage. Great content is out there but so much more fun when I meet people (like you) that despite the virtual nature make me feel connected – because it’s real… and you’re really just being you. Thank you!

    • Such gracious thoughts! Thank you Alli: I agree. Online can limit as much as free oneself. So finding genuine connections can be a marvelous gift. Thank you!

  2. Im a myspace gal turned fb gal. Ive never gotten into twitter and really miss blogging. Perhaps i shall take it up again. Connection is critical in this vast world where we float from one place to the next. Technology continues to be used for good or for evil….it can be the conduit for greater association or the method for dehumanizing.

    • Exactly; like money technology in and of itself is neither good or bad, its how we use it. So nice to see you perspective Shannon! Thanks for reaching out…

    • Thank you for your encouragement and your support Jocelyn – I can feel your peace & satisfaction all the way over here… sigh!

  3. Great post Christopher – I think a big part of your success on twitter is how you truly engage and reach out to people as individuals. You do an amazing job of not just flooding the stream with generic links, but starting conversations and getting to know people. It shows and I’ve appreciated getting to know you here!

    • Wow! I am really humbled and touched by your remarks Katy… That means so much to me. I do love to connect with people, and to repost things that might be helpful. I love helping others. Thank you!

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