Best Blogs 6 June 2014

Welcome to #BestBlogs, the weekly curation of the world of work.

The latest ideas on organization life, personal collaboration and the politics of work from practitioners around the globe are collected here so you may become more effective, perhaps even more satisfied, in career.

Every week, our themes emerge organically and this week the writers included are addressing the tough stuff: one of the hardest-hitting collections I've ever curated, this week is all about strength. Read these blogs to build yours!

These fine authors will help you enjoy different perspectives on perseverance and clarity.

Julie Drybrough confronts the tough stuff here: have you thought about how you're spending (spent?) your currency of good will? One of the “must reads” of the week – @Fuchsia_Blue will have you thinking deeply about generating, and replenishing, good will in the workplace

Sabrina Baker is concerned you may be going about this HR thing all wrong. If you've ever wondered how effective you really are, try this simple six-part test to get a quick read. And thank @SabrinaLBaker for writing it

Tammy Tansley introduces one of the most significant questions in org behavior in a long while: is your boss a psychopath? With implications to hiring, leadership, law and culture this is an important read. Read @TammyTansley to stay on the edge

Jay Kuhns: people drive change and paper kills trees. In this seminal work which should be required reading for all leaders new and seasoned, Jay gets to the root challenge: holding people accountable. @JRKuhns offers more leadership ideas

Alli Polin reminds us all our work in stopping harassment isn't through. An important read that affirms we all have responsibility in eradicating this destructive and nefarious behavior – we all have to play our part. @AlliPolin explains

Rachel Kemp comes clean and says this worklife balance stuff is all a crock. Or is it? In this refreshing post she shares how even a mainliner like herself can get some of that balance back and impact both home and work. @RachieMouse saves the day

Neil Morrison knows how to get to the point: whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right. Read this economic piece to get straight once and for all why you're getting what you're getting. @NeilMorrison has more

Thank you for reading this week's edition of #BestBlogs all about building and practicing meaningful worklife.

Each writer offers a practiced yet challenging perspective enabling us to re-examine our own positions. In life, look for those who challenge your thinking to help you grow.

Come back in another seven days' time for more new thoughts and please do check the archives of #BestBlogs for additional intelligent writers, thinkers and doers addressing important questions about worklife.

Have a wonderful weekend wherever you are in the world my friends!


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