Best Blogs 14 November 2014

Welcome to #BestBlogs, the weekly curation of the world of work.

The latest ideas on organization life, personal collaboration and the power of work in life from practitioners around the globe are collected here so you may become more effective, perhaps even more satisfied, in career.

Every week our theme emerges organically and this week we explore the fine lines between success and failure, responsive and responsible and the role of values in an ever-changing world.

These fine authors offer fresh and different perspectives on the intersection of life and work. Read on to test some of your own assumptions about life, practice and work.

Julie Waddell assumes you're an intelligent adult if you can read her blog. I know this because she said so. What she doesn't assume is that we think as much as we should before we “share” every bit of personal and/or meaningless piece of data broadly in honor of the zeitgeist of the times. @JAWaddell would like you to make like an adult and be quiet please

Alli Polin discusses the fine line between mediocrity and excellence on the job, and what might make us fall one way or another. Want to excel in your role but afraid of that blank canvas? Take a breath, read @AlliPolin and recognize we're all in this together – collaboration breeds excellence

Mary Faulkner argues that while there are many things outside of our control in our workaday world, there are several key elements that are entirely within our grasp. Whatcha gonna do when times get tough? Read @MFaulkner43 and carry on…

Kristina Minyard is a ball of fire. In case you haven't figured it out yet she is in a state of constant motion alighting from one challenge to the next. In this state of busyness however, Kristina knows that sometimes we over-rely on communication tools messaging things perhaps better left unsaid. @HRecruit says sometimes the best option is simply to unplug and walk away

Suzanne Lucas realizes technology and HR have long been wedded at the hip, yet here she outlines a few simple ways to keep the human side of enterprise relevant in today's technical environment. Doug McGregor would be proud of the @RealEvilHRLady

Karlina Miller looks at choice as an on-going set of options changing over time with our own needs and desires. Far from being cowed by the array, or bound by previous decision, Karlina shows how we can use the value of choice as a dynamic tool in living a meaningful life. @KarlinaErika simply rocks

Ashley Lauren Perez writes a simply beautiful piece here about the meaning of failure and what we can do with those events that might fall into this catergory. Importantly, Ash knows you have to let your body and heart feel the impact of this process to get through it. Read @AshLaurenPerez for insight far beyond her years – I do

Thank you for reading this week's edition of #BestBlogs all about building and practicing meaningful worklife.

Each writer offers a practiced yet challenging perspective enabling us to re-examine our own positions. In life, look for those who challenge your thinking to help you grow!

Please come back in another seven days' time for further thoughts and do check the archives of #BestBlogs for other intelligent writers, thinkers and doers addressing important questions about worklife.

Have a wonderful weekend wherever you are in the world my friends.




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