Best Blogs 7 March 2014

Welcome to #BestBlogs, the weekly curation of the world of work.

The latest offerings from practitioners around the globe addressing organization life, collaboration and the politics of work are collected here so that you may become more effective – indeed more satisfied – in your career.

This edition – each week's theme developing organically on its own – is about tough questions, the kind we shy away from. Why do we carry around old baggage, deny opportunitites to others, preach inclusiveness and yet see the glass as half-full: a stimulating collection to curate!

In a world where nothing stays the same very long its important to question beliefs and practice: these writers do.

#BestBlogs' utility is premised on radical sharing so please post, tweet, link and G+ this broadly within your networks. Let's get these writers some time in the sun.

Helen Tracey is going to have to let you go: best wishes now. In this frank and disarming paean to pointlessness Helen questions why we drag things around in our head that serve no real purpose, and more important, when we'll let them go. A beautiful read to start the weekend musings. See more @HRpotential

Rory C Trotter Jr sounds a warning in this efficient summary about excluding people from consideration due to their college degree – or lack thereof. In this elegant piece Rory asks the tough questions, as is his trademark, and wonders if this long-accepted practice is really good for employers. Dig deeper with @RoryCTrotterJr

Louise Amey knows two plus two doesn't equal five. Does it? In this wonderfully clean yet deep review Louise asks us to consider all the “experts” we stumble upon on #SoMe as well as all the “news” we post. Want to see what someone's been up to? Go online. Want the truth? That might not be as evident. A penetrating first blog from a writer we'll be paying attention to. See her @LuAmey

Alex Hagan wants you to forget about thinking outside the box – he wants you to imagine a world with no boxes. In this clear write Alex outlines a creative method you could start using today to generate radically open ideas. A compelling read from one of the smartest people in #SoMe. Get more ideas @AlexHagan

Emma Browes is adopting a new practice for Lent as opposed to the old school style of giving something up. Will her attempt to find goodness and optimism work? Will she see the world through a different and perhaps rose-colored lens? Will she annoy the hell out of you? Read @EmmaBrowes to find out

Tony Jackson has a demonstrated track record of practicing and espousing inclusiveness: its the right thing to do. But are there limits? Can we take this too far? Tony's offering here is reality check and required read: where does inclusiveness end and intolerance begin? Tony can be followed @JacksonT0ny [Ed: that is a “zero” towards the last part of the Twitter name]

Thank you for examining this edition of #BestBlogs all about work and life in the office. Each writer included offers practical advice with a challenging perspective enabling us all to rethink our own positions. In life look for those who challenge your thinking to help you grow.

Be sure to check the archives of #BestBlogs as well for other intelligent writers, thinkers and doers addressing the key questions of work and life, and please come back in another seven days' time for more.

Have a wonderful weekend wherever you are in the world my friends!



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