The Rules

Some things should never be overlooked.

We talk a lot about the rules for good living. Getting eight hours of sleep and eight glasses of water. Eat lots of fiber and veggies, watch out for that red meat. Exercise 30 min a day. All of these can help us live a healthier life.

There's another rule that we don't often speak of, and sometimes don't think of.

And one that matters more than any other I think: show the ones you love that you love them.

Like you I've had my share of ups and downs, and as longtime readers know, I generally feel life is positive taken on the whole. And I'm sure it is.

Yet, also like you, I fail from time to time to rememeber some of the basic rules for health and happiness including the most important one. As a result of that, my life has now inexorably changed and I have a sense of loss.

One day things will be better, and everything does happen for a reason I know.

Yet struggling with the realization that I did not do everything I could to show my love for the person I most cared about will haunt me for a long time. It will be a challenge.

So if there is some good to come from lessons learned perhaps it's this: take the time to show the people in your life that you care about them.

There can be no more important rule for living a happy life.

10 thoughts on “The Rules

  1. We like to think that others will know what’s in our hearts and in our heads, and maybe they do, but as you remind us – it’s still important to say and show it.

    I wish you peace during this time.

  2. Chris, I always find it difficult to learn of other bloggers distresses, yet your courage to share makes the meaning of your words even more relatable, and I appreciate that. I truly hope that you find the solace you need to get you through your time of sadness. Best wishes my friend!

    • You know Ernie, I have been really touched by my virtual friends that have reach out and made an effort to help me. Friends like you. Thank you sir, and please know the return favor is always there. I appreciate you Ernie.

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