Best Blogs 21 Feb 2014

Welcome to #BestBlogs, the weekly curation of the world of work.

Here we collate the latest offerings from practitioners around the globe addressing organization life, collaboration and the politics of work. In reading we you may become more effective – indeed satisfied – in your career.

This edition – each week's theme developing organically on its own – is all about the tough questions we need to ask ourselves. In a world where nothing stays the same very long its important to question beliefs and practice: these writers do.

#BestBlogs' utility is premised on radical sharing so please post and tweet these thinkers broadly within your networks. Let's get these writers some time in the sun.

Jane Watson wants to know what we're doing with all the information we're collecting now that her basement is full and can't hold anymore. In our commitment to generate, mine and analyze data faster and deeper than ever before are we losing our institutional memory? Does data drive dumbing? A beautiful essay to read. Jane's other ideas are @JSarahWatsHR

Alli Polin thinks you might need your oil checked. In this first of a two-part series she uses the low oil metaphor to point out we all need maintenance. If that's so, what's your plan? Fortunately Alli's got your service scheduled, so all you need to do is show up. Check in with @AlliPolin

Rory C Trotter Jr knows that life and work are all about stretching, trying, failing and and in so doing learning. In this poweful memoir he describes his first real experience with the yin and yang of stretching employees while protecting the business from mistakes. This is a dynamic and difficult question – @RoryCTrotterJr addresses it well

David D'Souza needs a little help. Actually he needs help understanding why so many of us strive to define, limit and measure “help” instead of just doing it! This sharp write takes that on. If you're confused about what help looks like or what the HR role is really all about, get some help: read @DDS180

That Career Girl returns with a crystal clear argument in favor of continuous learning and an in-depth defense of the efforts and time it takes to pursue post graduate education. Written from the perspective of one who's in the midst of it, this compelling story illustrates what taking your career into your own hands looks like. A sound offering.

Heather Kinzie shares a beautiful and painful story about knowing others. How much do we share, how much do we ask and what do we do when tensions arise and rejection occurs? In this poignant and sweet tale my friend Heather articulates those boundaries well. Read @LeadingSolution to traverse this trail more nimbly

There we have the #BestBlogs of the week about life, and life in the office. Each writer offers practical advice with a challenging perspective enabling us all to rethink our own positions. In life look for those who challenge your thinking to help you grow.

Be sure to check the archives of #BestBlogs for more accessible, intelligent writers, thinkers and doers addressing the questions of life at work. I hope you'll come back in another seven days' time for our next edition.

Have a wonderful weekend wherever you are in the world my friends!



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