
Oh sure, kick a guy when he's down.

I haven't had the best week. And to add insult to injury just yesterday I received an email from a company detailing how nice it was to talk with me about my qualifications but, unfortunately, they were not moving ahead with my candidacy.

Considering that I never actually applied for a job there I was not completely surprised at the outcome per se.

Now, there is such a thing to be said for efficiency and as I live in the hi-tech capital of the world (#ATX rocks) I'm not surprised that some companies are taking advanatge of tools and data (thank you #SoMe) to get ever faster about deciding who fits in their culture.

And who doesn't.

For those of you in the talent game – we called it headhunting when I started out (or, butts-in-seats…) – who are still not sure about whether or not the declination emails should go out, the answer is yes. A slight detail though: you may want to send those 'Thank-you-for-applying-but' notes to people who, well, have actually applied.

On the other hand, no one can accuse this company of not being proactive. Reminds me of my friend Red who every time he meets a new woman tells people he's working on his next future ex. (Red's not often wrong either…)

So the moral of the story if any is yes, be proactive and over-communicate, but maybe pick your audience just a little bit more surgically.

In the meantime, I now have a little free time since I will not have to actually bother with an application or interview with Company X so I really appreciate that.

Who says being turned down is all that bad?


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